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Meet The Faces Behind The Frames

It all started in 2000. The new millennium meant the start of a new modern age. The team behind Anka Eyewear knew that eyeglass frames needed to reflect this modern aesthetic. However, frames were seen as more prescription holders than fashion accessories. People –in the western world at least – also saw glasses as a relic of low social status. It was trendier to wear contacts. In addition, those few businesses that did carry fashionable frames cut quite deep into people’s finances. Thus, the team were inspired to create stylish frames that catered to everyone’s prices and preferences.

Anka Eyewear is a Chinese frame supplier that specializes in high quality affordable frames. The company started up in Wenzhou, a city known for eyeglass frames. Our frames from China are designed to appeal to both Eastern and Western tastes. Thus, having started their business in one of the world’s biggest frame manufacturing cities means that they are in tune with the customer and the business world at large.

Our team understands the need to produce quality frames that have business friendly prices. While it is true that nowadays more frame suppliers design their products with quality and care, Anka Eyewear has mastered the tricky challenge of making quality products with low customer cost. Our company has a frame factory in Wenzhou. As a result, we are able to work directly with material suppliers so that we can cut costs. Customers are happier buying quality frames that are built to last. Anka Eyewear is proud to say that our frames are also quite durable.

However, our business friendly prices mean that you will not lose money selling durable frames from China to your customers. This means that you can mark up your prices and earn a respectable margin from each sale. Our frames can also be customized with your own logos. In addition, we can also work with you to make customized frames in whatever style you prefer.

Finally, Anka Eyewear prides itself on reliability. Every order has a guaranteed delivery date. In addition, our friendly customer support is always willing to answer any questions or concerns that you may have. Your order also comes with a standard one-year warranty.

Thank you for reading this far in our introduction. We hope to provide blog posts that are as quality and trendy as our frames. In addition, we have also just opened our Canadian office. This means that you will get your small orders faster as we ship directly from Canada. We are also in the same or similar time zone to your business – Pacific Standard Time –; as a result, you will not have to wait as long for your inquiries to be answered. This fits with our Anka Eyewear guarantee: Affordable, Accessible and Anywhere.